Friday, August 27, 2021

Top 10 skills for professionals during and after Covid-19

 Top 10 skills for professionals during and after Covid-19

The arrival of the pandemic caused by Covid-19 tested the adaptability of companies and employee. It turned homes into schools and offices at the same time; changed the dynamics of family interaction, destabilized routines and challenged processes and operations worldwide.

In response to these changes and challenges that the new normal brought with it and the need to anticipate to future events, organizations have prioritized certain skills that were important before the pandemic, but have become essential for professionals in all areas.

These skills are what companies are currently looking for in new hires and they are also seeking to enhance and strengthen in existing employees. So, we set about the task of finding out what are those skills so necessary for professionals during and after Covid-19, and came up with these 10:

1. Adaptability: Before the pandemic it did not seem to be of great importance, due to the rigidity of the structures, however, today being able to adapt to new situations and people very important, in order to learn how to restructure tasks, new information, policies, procedures, among others.

2. Emotional intelligence: This is one of the most sought-after skills within leadership roles. Being able to find the balance between the personal and the professional life, differentiating, evaluating, and responding from one's own emotions and those of others, make people more effective and open to change.

3. Creativity: In addition to being essential to develop new ideas, products and services, creativity plays a fundamental role in solving problems and responding to changing situations and environments.

4. Active learning: In addition to the tools provided by the company and the courses and training required for the employees; it is very valuable for industries that professionals have the will to keep up to date with topics related to their area, and in other areas that are related to their profession, this helps them with the probability of anticipating or responding to changing market conditions.

5. Digital skills: Employees must feel comfortable with the use of digital platforms utilized by the company, in order to optimize and facilitate communication between employees, customers and suppliers.

6. Communication and negotiation: Although before the pandemic these were considered fundamental skills, today they have a greater impact on credibility and image of companies. With the reduction in on-site work, and the great increase in hybrid and remote work modalities, the good communication and negotiation that professionals have with employees, customers, vendors, etc., through different platforms, are extremely necessary to maintain the company's competitiveness.

7. Innovative thinking: In a world in constant change and evolution, finding people capable of reinventing structures and processes has become an essential element to achieve the advantage over the competition.

8. Decision making and leadership: In addition to referencing a brave, risky, and empowered person, having the ability to analyze data and make decisions is becoming progressively more important. A good leader will guide the team in the right way to achieve business growth.

9. Personnel management: The labor market is increasingly competitive. The difference in salary will not be a decisive factor in retaining an employee, if the benefits and the career plan offered by the company are not. Manage your most important asset correctly: People. Offer benefits like flexible hours, family days, training plans, and growth within the company.

10. Virtual collaboration (Teamwork): Remote work and hybrid mode are more and more frequent. Find or create integration spaces that allow you to replace in a certain way those moments of interaction that previously existed within the office in such a way that you create close ties and commitment between the members of your work team.


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

 HR role during Covid-19

Reconfigure, readapt, rebuild are just some of the terms and measures that have emerged in the lifestyle of people and organizations worldwide, as a result of the impact caused by COVID-19. This has led companies to reconsider the role of the human resources department as a "support" system, making it a "fundamental" area.

HR managers have shown their ability to adapt and be resourceful when facing complex and challenging environments, in order to guarantee stability and continuity for both businesses and employees. They have had to adapt and create solutions to a revolution that came to change everything and without a warning.

The pandemic not only transformed the way we think, work, and relate to others, but also brought abrupt changes at an accelerated pace, which will forever mark a “before” and “after” for humanity.

The confinement tested the adaptability of employees and the flexibility of companies, making way to hybrid workplaces and remote work modalities; eliminating geographical borders that allows to broaden the spectrum of search for professionals and organizations, which has meant an additional challenge for human resources.

Human Resources has had to redefine everything from companys’ structures, policies, and processes within organizations, in order to make way for a new normal where guidelines and best management practices are focused on the greatest resource: people. This redefinition must guarantee the correct interaction, to ensure that teamwork, the sense of belonging and the commitment to the company last.

These new forms of “remote” work require a series of skills and abilities that must be developed in a joint effort with Human Resources areas, who will oversee how to manage and promote easy and accessible training programs; must go in hand with a simplification of processes and tools promoted by the department, leading workers to save time and organizations to save money.

Although, the role played by HR has been hard work in reaction to the pandemic so far (without neglecting the merits), to achieve stability in the midst of turbulence, from now on it is up decision makers inside companies, to propose, anticipate, simplify, automate and even partially or totally outsource, in order to optimize recruitment, hiring and employee retention practices; to stay updated and to be involved in the constant changes that are part of the new reality.


Monday, August 16, 2021

Biggest challenges while hiring online

Biggest challenges while hiring online

The fear of contracting the virus even when vaccinated, having to take care of children at home as some schools remain closed or partially opened, the practicality that offers working from home and how it increases productivity and sense of belonging towards the companies and their culture; are aspects that determine why virtual hiring is here to stay and that will take on more strength in this new reality.

The pandemic, social distancing, and connectivity are some of the factors that are significantly changing the competitiveness in the market; making companies modify and adjust their workflow and increasing the demand of innovative and qualified talent capable to overcome these challenges.

Hiring online is a very complex process, despite the ongoing development in tools that facilitate it nowadays. Headhunting companies and human resources departments have had to become more creative and resourceful in order to find the perfect candidate for the right position, facing these "5 main challenges":

1. Very long and unstructured selection processes: If the online recruitment process takes a lot of time to be completed, the company is at risk of losing the perfect candidate for the position. In order to prevent this:
· Establish short selection processes, which allows to make the final decision within a maximum period of 10 days.
· Be clear about the ideal candidate's profile, requirements and benefits of the position, skills, salary range, estimated start date, evaluation criteria, the roles, and responsibilities of each of the members in the selection team.

2. On offer of candidates: The number of applicants for a vacancy is overwhelming; there are so many profiles that it is impossible to take them all into consideration to start the selection process. In this case, prioritize quality over quantity.
It is preferable to post your vacancy on specialized professional platforms, which lets you address the target audience easily, avoiding ads or phishing, and giving you the facility of screening the candidates' curriculums based on skills, experience, knowledge, location, etc.

3. Unskilled profiles: The arrival of the pandemic and the massive cuts in personnel have made workers rethink their salary and professional projection expectations. This has led them to be overqualified or unqualified for the positions for which they are applying.
Be very specific when setting expectations regarding requirements and experience; this way, you will establish an initial filter that will allow candidates to reject the offer if they do not meet the expected requirements.

4. Lack of local talent: If the talent you require is not physically located in the city where the company is, consider opening remote positions that allow you attract the talent you require, leaving aside geographic limitations.
If there is one thing the pandemic has shown, it is that workers’ productivity increased by working from home.

5. Weak brand as an employer: One of the biggest challenges for companies is to position themselves as a solid brand to attract new and better talent. In addition to providing a good candidate experience, the company must promote a strong organizational culture.
This ensures not only a good number of applications to vacancies, but that the best professionals wanting to apply to work on them.


Although the modality of remote work has been gradually increasing since 2010, the arrival of the pandemic exponentially accelerated the recruitment and incorporation of the remote workforce even more. It is necessary for companies to consider the challenges they face when carrying out remote hiring processes, in order to find not only the best and most qualified talents, but also those talents that are identified and projected into the future with the company. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Building an HR department

 Building an HR department 

Knowing and mastering the best human resources practices is as important for a company as understanding how to sell a product or manage all operative workflow within the companyCarrying out good recruiting, hiring and supervision processes makes the difference between simply staying in the market or evolving and growing within it. 

If you have decided to embark on a new business or expand it, and you are considering building your own human resources department or delegating responsibility, here we give you some ideas on where to start and what you should keep in mind to do it right.  #amazingtips 

1. Build a strong organizational culture: Employees need to identify with the company. Who are you as a company? What is your purpose? What is the need that your company covers within the market? When employees believe in your company, they commit to their work, perform better, and give the company the much-desired extra mile that all companies seek. 

2. Define your corporate values: Make sure you spend time on your corporate values ​​and hire a human resources expert or outsourcing company that is aligned with them. A person who is not only focused on administrative compliance, but on retention, training and the construction of that solid organizational culture. 

3. Be efficient, outsource: The success of entrepreneurship depends largely on how well the business owners are able to stay focused on their core business, without distractions. If you are considering developing your own human resources departmentkeep in mind that it might be more cost-effective to have a professional who you can call for advice and help you do this directly. 

4. Build and strengthen a team from above: Look for leaders aligned with your mission, interested in growing within the companybuilding, and guiding work teams. Build a strong group of leaders who are eager to inspire others by example, willing to give extra when needed, and that have strong communication and interpersonal skills to help you increase talent retention, by understanding their teams’ needs and providing them guidance 

5. Focus on retaining and developing your team: Once you have those leaders who you believe are motivated and aligned with the company, focus on preserving them. Make sure you offer them a work environment that they want to be ingive them the necessary feedback to achieve success in their work, provide the necessary equipment, material and technology that will lead them to maintain the expected level of productivity, but above all, make sure you do a good induction and training process. 

Maintaining a trained team, represents having the power to anticipate changes and face challenges in a successful way. It does not allow the human resources area to focus on processes, leaving aside the professional growth of people. 

6. Create simple processes: In the startup stage, companies should be focused on mitigating risk, making smart investments, moving and growing quickly. Thereforeall companies need human resources teams who can implement processes, programs and tools that are aligned with the current stage of the company’s development, its mission and vision. Do not get complicated by creating processes that are too robust, that make you lose focus, or worse, that lead you to lose a candidate because of the lack of clarity in your recruitment, onboarding, training, or hiring processes. 



Many companies underestimate the establishment of the human resources area and its true importance in the capitalization of the businesses. Human resources are not only responsible for finding candidates to fill positions, but also for building, maintaining, and strengthening an organizational culture capable of drawing the right people to ensure the growth and success of the company 

HR is responsible for maintaining solid teams, motivate and remind them the essence and purpose of the company. 











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